How the Chunky Method Saved My Life

A couple of months ago, after being sick and traveling and meeting two book deadlines, I stalled when given some unwelcome health news which required tests and more tests. I got really, really behind on an adult mystery, and for hours I would struggle to write, only to throw it all out at the end […]

Chop! Chop! Writing in 20-Minute Slices

Thirty years ago I read an article that said writing was like eating a salami. You’d choke if you tried to swallow the whole thing at once. Slice by slice, though, it was easy. Life has been hectic lately, with few large chunks of time to work. So I went back to creating 20-minute tasks […]


I am re-reading my Simple.ology notebook. Yesterday I was reading the “Law of Focused Attention.” Here are some quotes that stood out to me:  The things we really want in life sometimes require a lot more attention than we are willing to give. Throughout our lives, most of our attention is focused on things other […]