The Necessity of Solitude: Refilling the Well

Women are givers. Women writers are some of the most giving people I know. We tend to have stronger relationships because of it–with babies, grown children, grandchildren, friends, and extended family. But unless you learn how to balance all this giving with replenishment found in solitude, you’ll find it nearly impossible to write. Every time […]

A Parent’s (or Grandparent’s) Writing Schedule

With summer vacation upon us, it seemed like a good time to revisit the subject of writing when you are involved with children or grandchildren. When my children were small–and even as they grew older–I struggled to find a writing schedule that worked most days of the week. After much trial and error, I would […]

A No-Guilt Writing Life

Does taking time to write make you feel guilty? In her book Writing as a Way of Healing, Louise DeSalvo said, “Many people…have told me that taking time to write seems so, well, self-indulgent, self-involved, frivolous even.” Does that describe you? Do you fight your own guilty feelings that say you should be doing something […]

Writing Through Interruptions

I began writing when I had a newborn (ten days old), a todder (two) and a preschooler. If I couldn’t write through interruptions, I couldn’t write at all most days. People protest all the time that they can’t write with continual interruptions, and I never had much of a response beyond “just do it!” I knew […]

Writing During Summer Travels

Summer is just around the corner. And for many writers, that means traveling to see family and taking vacations while trying to meet deadlines. Consistent writing may be a necessity during the summer. Can writing and traveling co-exist? Yes, quite happily, but only if you think and plan ahead. Paved with Good Intentions We may […]

Writing Through Relationship Struggles

Do these scenarios sound at all familiar? (They all happened to writers I know.) You’re writing your first picture book, but your husband is jealous of your time at the typewriter and won’t speak to you at supper. (I know this sounds childish, but it happens fairly often.) Or your wife reads your book and […]

Mixing Writing & Adult Children

Keeping with our Mother’s Day theme of combining writing with raising children (Hats Off to Mom Writers, Combine Babies and Bylines,Combining Writing and School-Age Kids, Writing During the Teen Years), let’s talk about writing when you have college kids and grown children (plus grandchildren). Again, your writing skills need flexibility! (with granddaughter, Abby, at a book sale) Déjà […]

Writing During the Teen Years

Keeping with our Mother’s Day theme of combining writing with raising children (Hats Off to Mom Writers, Combine Babies and Bylines, Combining Writing and School-Age Kids), let’s talk about writing during the teen years–and the skills it will entail. The main challenge at this time is keeping (and constantly regaining) your sanity! Even normally active teens can […]